1 session
Analysis, feedback and practical advice for your application dossier for it to stands out from the crowd
This coaching session enables you to obtain sincere, clear and objective feedback on your application file and your positioning on the job market.
The aim is to give you precise guidelines on the actions you need to take to improve the relevance of your application dossier by reworking your approach, your keywords, the way you highlight your skills and the hierarchy of your information.
It’s THE step to take if you’re actively looking for a job and feel you’re systematically met with negative responses, or worse, silence.
It’s the right thing to do if you’re tired of contradictory advice from friends and family, complacent recruiters or those on social networks.
It’s also a formative exchange exercise, which should be of interest to any talent looking to move up the ladder, apply internally or tackle a new sector, and thus avoid discrediting themselves with an ill-prepared dossier.
When you choose this FEEDBACK coaching session, you get :
- an evaluation of your market positioning
- sincere, constructive comments on your profile, with no double-talk
- concrete advice you can apply immediately to improve your profile
- informed insights into the job market and your field of activity
- the expertise of a recruiter and headhunter with over 25 years’ experience
- a clear strategy on how to approach your next applications
How many negative responses did you get last month?
The software that analyzes your application is very efficient.
As you’ve no doubt noticed, as soon as you submit your application online, you immediately receive an automatic confirmation with thanks and a promise of rapid processing.
The problem is that these programs are also, and above all: RUTHLESS.
Less than 24 hours later, you’ll often receive this type of reply:

This is often a sign that your file hasn’t even passed the “robot”. The content and hierarchy of information didn’t match its criteria. They’ve eliminated you from the list of potential candidates without giving you a chance to express your suitability and motivation for the position.
Unfortunately, you can’t just compile a list of relevant keywords and risk being overlooked by the real person who will be evaluating your application.
So how do you highlight your experience and skills to please both the robot and your future employer?
Preparing an application is a difficult exercise in itself. You need to provide detailed, structured information about your background, level of education, professional achievements and challenges, hobbies and goals.
Successfully completing this exercise is a very frustrating and destabilizing process for most of us. All the more so if no one deigns to read it!
How many times have you wished for someone to guide and support you in this process? Between the advice of friends and family, the conflicting opinions on the Internet and the accumulation of negative responses, it’s easy to feel a little lost.
Tired of having your application evaluated by a robot?
An irreproachable and exciting dossier : ask a pro for advice
Over the past 25 years, we’ve read and analyzed the CVs of hundreds of candidates. We’ve researched, screened and recruit hundreds of people. We’ve guided, coached and accompanied hundreds of talented people in the pursuit of their goals.
A FEEDBACK coaching session is an opportunity for you to take stock of your employability in 60 minutes.
Click on the button below to send us your dossier and book a date for a face-to-face debriefing:
The FEEDBACK coaching program in 12 points :
By choosing today to follow a FEEDBACK session with us, you benefit from :
- 1 checklist for compiling an attractive dossier based on your positioning
- 1 evaluation of your market positioning
- Sincere, constructive comments on your profile, with no double talk
- Concrete advice you can apply immediately to improve your profile
- Insight into the job market and your field of activity
- The expertise of a recruiter, coach and headhunter with over 25 years’ experience
- A clear strategy on how to approach your next job applications
- Access to the myjobprofile digital platform for communicating and exchanging documents
- Membership of the Jobprofile community and network
- Exclusive invitations to Jobprofile events and workshops
- Subscription to Leslie’s Digest to receive tips and market insights
- Coaching available in French and English
Another vital aspect of your employability often neglected after a long period with the same company is your digital presence. Expand your network and attract the attention of online recruiters with our DIGITAL coaching program.
If you’d like to go a step further, rework your employability in depth and benefit from ongoing, personalized support to prepare you for the job market, our ESSENTIAL coaching program should be of interest to you.